Archive for July, 2008

A $70 light bulb???

Sunday, July 20th, 2008

There is a lot of talk around the world about compact fluorescent bulbs. They save energy. They also contain mercury and can be big. They just don’t fit in a lot of my fixtures. So I keep checking the prices of LED bulbs. Here is a little math to see whether or not a $70 […]

Motion-sensitive light switches

Saturday, July 19th, 2008

When I was a kid, my mom was always after me to turn off the lights after I left a room. I got to be pretty good, even nagging my friends when they left lights on. It wasn’t a global warming or environmental thing back then, it was to save money. Now that everyone in […]

Air is good for your car

Monday, July 7th, 2008

Really good. Gasoline needs air to make the explosions that drive your car. Air comes into your car through an air filter. The filter cleans out the dust and other particles floating around (like bugs). The way most filters clean the air coming in is to trap the particles in the paper the filter is […]


Sunday, July 6th, 2008

Welcome to the Trim Your Budget blog. A little about me and the blog: I live in (or rather near) Angel Fire, NM. My house is rammed earth, there are wood ceilings and a few framed walls, but most of the house is made of dirt. We did it to save money and be more […]