Air is good for your car

Really good. Gasoline needs air to make the explosions that drive your car. Air comes into your car through an air filter. The filter cleans out the dust and other particles floating around (like bugs).

The way most filters clean the air coming in is to trap the particles in the paper the filter is made from. This means that over time the filter will be clogged with gunk and not suck in as much air. The dirtier the air, the faster the filter clogs.

Replacing your car’s air filter when it’s dirty can give a whopping 10% increase in gas mileage!

There are some air filters that don’t need replacement. They are made from washable materials. Instead of replacing the air filter, it’s washed. The effect is the same: more air to the engine.

Keep air flowing to the engine and get better gas mileage.

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